A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Just like AATOFL before , Milky ways is a story driven full 3D  sci.fi bondage adventure game this time with more girls and on a remote island on a remote planet.

The main story revolves around  Marc , a voluntary test subject for a new vaccine.
Just wanting to do something else than the usuall work on a spacestation and maybe having a shot at the CORE android on the planet.
But… you really hope the vaccine works… like intended.

If you are not following the main story then you may explore the island and its abandoned bunkers to find out what lewd things can be found in these.


  • A full 3D environment which is fully exploreable (A island and some abandoned pirate bunkers with some lewd things inside)
  • Four girls each with their own intentions on why they are in the middle of nowhere on a remote island and on a distant planet
  • Many bondage and lewd devices you can build with the building device in the main base . You may build as much as you want but be carefull , you need resources for them.
  • A story which will lead to some insight on why the girls are on this island and.. their hidden.. desires
  • Several outfits for the girls unlocked during the story or during exploration
  • Several lewd toys the girls can wear on their body (Chastity devices , vibrators , dildos , pumps , tentacles.. )
  • Minigames during the story (playing dart , play a 3rd person spy game)
  • A free roaming mode during the game in which you can find new devices or play with the girls or see them play with the devices on their own or maybe with each other.

Some hints for first time players

  • The game will take a long time to load up and maybe appear to be frozen.This is due to the massive amount of animations i created and all the assets which needs to be loaded in
  • Press Q to skip the dialogs
  • Controls are as usual like every FPS game (W,A,S,D etc..)
  • If you see a symbol in the lower right corner of the screen , you can press E to start an event. (during free roaming mode)
  • Press TAB in game to open the questlog and inventory
  • In the inventory you can click on the tablet (first item in the inventory) and then you can fast travel around the island.
  • Use mousewheel up and down to see previous dialogs
  • You can hide the text window with page down and show it with page up
  • To Change Yukaris skin from robot to human you need to ask her under -questions- and then you can build her human skin upgrade via the 3d printer
  • Chemicals can be gathered with the little plant station near Yukaris base
  • Meals can be gathered if you search for the nomad module near Malias home and finish the side quest with the little robot inside
  • Rubber can be created from metal and chemicals with the machine in Yukaris base (the building right next to the 3d printer building)

More informations on new games i create

I also have a patreon page in which i use toe make posts about new games i create , which may also contain many bondage related things.

Install instructions

Just download , unzip and start Milky Ways.exe

You maybe want to set the graphical settings once the splash screen pops up because this is a very demaning 3D game.

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(53 total ratings)
Tags3D, Adult, Erotic, Sci-fi, Singleplayer
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Milky Ways 3.7 GB
Milky Ways (Linux -> unsupported/untested) 3.8 GB
Milky Ways (Mac -> unsupported/untested) 3.7 GB

Install instructions

1. Download  unzip
2.Start Milky Ways.exe
3. Please select graphic preset since this is a demanding game
(i would go from good and move my way up)

Development log


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I am stuck on the quest item of placing the post. If I go to Juna, it says I shouldn't visit her, and the other 3 girls are all locked in Maya's room. Where do I place the simple post? Please help!

Hello there,
I think you are referring to the little RPG play they were doing. If so, then you need to place the simple post on the helipad/ landing pad outside Yukaris base.hope this helps.

Thank you Kerni! That was it!

I just LOVED the game. And I could play with zqsd (except the drone part but that already forgiven). Is there a way to use furniture while in direct control mode ?

No , sorry. 

The "direct control" mode was just a little debug thing to play around. It was never mean to be "used" in game.

ok ^^

Great work, only negative is how long it takes to load, making my PC think it's crashed .. but waiting long enough it loads

loved the customisation options for the girls and hope these are even more expanded in your next 

A few questions ..

The devices left in the cave - the player makes a remark to pick them up later but I don't seem to get a option to do this ?

Any way/need to re enter last base ?

Is there a way to replay the computer game ?

The girl remote control ... any way of letting the player interact with other girls/furniture while doing this 

Hello there, there are many features like this who are kind of... not used again anymore because i did not wanted to spend even more time with the game. It was 4 years at that point and please understand that i can not just rest on one game all the time. I wanted to make something new.

But.. there is actually a way for you to "reuse" it. YOu can use the built in story modder if you like. There should also be an tutorial in the Zip file for this.

Thanks ... I'll take another look at it but it did kind of overwhelm me  ....
Looking forward to your next offering

Hi, I have a question I want to put in palta.

About in-game translation, there is a program that translates any game developed in Unity, it's called xunity autotranslator.

Link: https://github.com/bbepis/XUnity.AutoTranslator/releases/tag/v5.2.0

I wanted to know if I could implement it in the game, it translates everything automatically, I managed to configure it to a certain extent, but it only translated some things in the game, if possible, I wanted to know if you can put it in the game.

In addition to making it accessible to new users, it will draw the attention of more people who are interested in their games but do not understand English.

Neat idea actually, but we have a problem there >_<
Looking at the supported text frameworks, i see no support for the legacy GUIText. This is actually how I make the text appear in Milky Ways.

So, this method would not work, unfortunately.
But… The idea is good to be honest, I could implement it in my next game which I am currently creating.
I can instead use something like :

(written into my to-do list for later.)


what's your next game?

Currently in the works, the next game will be aan extension of the 3rd person mini spy game you played in milky ways.

How is it progressing ?

Awesome game.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Amazing games!


I enjoyed your last game(Abandoned), Looking forward to trying this one.




Who ate the download button?


Devs probably removed the old links to put the new ones instead, come back in a few hours it should be fixed.


Jep , the download buttons are back in business. 


Download buttons are there now , sorry for the delay.

im having issues loading the game it gets stuck on 90% and refuses to load for more than a hour 

(1 edit)

upon further testing i found that build 0.80 works its just the new build of 0.88 windows version

MHn.. not good. Maybe the RAM requirements are getting to high since i built more stuff into the game from 0.80 to 0.88 (especially the other bunker)

I will soon release the next public beta , maybe you can try with this then.
If this does not work then i assume it just getting to demanding.

Might just be a bad download.  I play 0.96 on a fairly low-spec machine, 2010-vintage hardware, 3GHz Core(TM)2 Duo, GeForce GT 430 (entry level card when released!), I added a some RAM (up to 8GB) and went with an SSD to run W10.  Don't expect a mobo video card to handle games like this, but as you see, the external card doesn't have to be super good.

Next weekend I will release the new and final version, I did some texture optimizations and hope this helps ^_^

Deleted 2 years ago

So please do not expect major changes into the story anymore. We are close to the end of the game and the next public beta will actually feature the finished story.

The next game.. well.. we will see ^_^
ANd btw.. every tgirl at this point counts as "girlfriend" i would say since not only Maya was upset with Marcs answer.

(1 edit)

So Maya and Malia wanted marcs kid almost instantly when marc joined the island or after they where "infected" and did they really want them or is it the chemicals talking since I do know that is kinda tha basis for the changes ya know

(2 edits)

Hehe... well.. who knows =)
I know.. i am evil xD

But seriously , actually they want it since their inner clocks are ticking and the chemcials only makes it worse for them since their bodys are essentially always ready for it.

EDIT : and.. if you realyl want to change the story then you actually can . There is a folder called "Story mod tools". IN there you can find the tool to change the text in the story. (nearly all text by the way)

(2 edits)

There's something in my brain that like needs to be scratched, alas there are a few issues with me editing the text, 1 I do not have an external keyboard so I do not have the NUM button I play on a laptop (I know I'm poor but it works). 2. If it's like what I'm hearing with AATOFL then there is WAY too much text for Lil ol me to edit and finally 3. I don't think I'd be able to make a story like you or make it flow like you have if that makes any sense 

Edit: replaying the game it seems like Malia wasn't too upset about Marc's answer more of chasing after Maya to help cheer her up since they were friends. Anyways let me know the release date of the final version with the ending so I know the second I can download it, Keep doing what you are doing and I look forward to whatever game you decide to conjure up if you keep going anyways.

hows the next update goin?

At the end of this month i will release the public open beta with the ending of the story. =)

So how many pirate bunkers are there? I've only found 2 so far but I'm pretty sure I've looked literally ever where. Yukari says there are "many" so I was just wondering if there was more than just the 2?

There are 2 priate bunkers and one [REDACTED] bunker (but you need story progression before you can enter the hidden one)

Hey, I'm loving the game so far! The only issue I can see is the English grammar. Is there any way I can help with that? I'm fluent in English and have virtually unlimited free time. I would be willing and able to proofread and edit the dialogue if you'd let me.

This is a difficult topic actually , there is already a function inside in which you are able to change all text in the game (look into the folder Story mod tools).

BUT... big but 99 percent of all people who tried to do this and asked me went silent because i assume they saw the ungodly amount of text and became demotivated ^_^

Awesome. I'll take a look later on and I'll get back to you.

Took a look and quickly realized I had no Idea what I was doing :)

There should be two little tutorials in the "storys mod" folder. Which describes step by step what to do.

Really awesome and naughty.

Sorry, but what is the "savegame" workaround? I play on Windows & have had the same issues re: Saving games

The savegame workaround is kind of a "inoffical" fix for linux and Mac versions of the game (also works on windows) to create savegames into the so called "playerprefs" insteadt creating a dedicated file called "MW_save_x.txt"

So if you play on windows than you do not need to enable the savegame workaround. (Usually)
If you play on windows and you are not able (or allowed due to folder rights) to create the savegames then you can also enabled this workaround in the gameplay menu.

I loved AATOFL and i look forward to this very promising project.
But i need to report that the save function is not working properly: i was not able to save my progress from the menu (it close itself without generating the savefile) nor with the quicksave shortcuts.

On the positive side: i enjoied very much the computer game section and i'd love it to be expanded (or at least to be replayable during freeroam).
I was also very intrigued by the device we save Maya from and i'm really hoping to see it in the future.

Keep up the good work!

If you are playing either on Linux or Mac then you may try the "savegame" workaround in the gameplay menu :)
Still not screenshots but at least the saves should work.

(3 edits)

Sadly i'm on windows 10 but i'll still give it a try

Edit:The savegame workaround seems to work even in Win10

(1 edit)

I created an account just to tell you how much I've enjoyed both games and to tell you about a bug. I've just created the stand for Maya but I'm unable to place it in the crew quarters, does nothing when i click on it

Edit; Never mind, im an idiot, great game though

it ask me to get two backpacks but i dont see any way to ask them for it

THe backpacks are in the cave wher you played the milkying device game with malia and Maya.

superb start to a new project. I'll watch this development with great interest

(3 edits)

I absolutely loved AATOFL and I'm also absolutely in love with this.

Is there a way to help you with spelling, formatting or proofreading?
If so I'd very much like to contribute something, please do get back to me on how we can get in touch.

Edit: I've read that you are german as well, könntest du noch Hilfe beim übersetzen gebrauchen?

Tagchen ,
Also in Milky ways gibt es eine eingebaute funktion mit der mann eine veränderung der story vornehmen kann und diese auch dann gleich uploaden kann damit sie andere sehen. In dem installationsorder sollte es ein anderen ordner geben names" Story mod tools" darunter befindet sich der editor den ich auch nutzte um die story zu erstellen und in dem gleichen ordner befindet sich auch ein kleines tutorial.

Ich glaub es gibt schon eine spellcheckdatei auf dem server , da musst du einfach mal den "MW_modManger.exe" anwerfen. Vileicht kannst du dir arbeit ersparen un da weitermachen wo der andere aufgehört hatt.


Ok, das werde ich mir anschauen sobald ich mit dem Game durch bin.

Well just finished AATOFL, time to check this one out.  I demand a sequel!  Or an addition to it :P  Anyways half-hearted joke aside.  Keep up the good work and I'll update you with any info that may help your development.

(1 edit)

Resolution-Settings set in the launcher aren't transferred to the game. I set 1920x1080-Fullscreen in the launcher and the game starts in 5760x1080-Fullscreen (which is my desktop-resolution).

Weirdly it works perfectly fine in AATOFL.

I guess this goes hand in hand why Unity decided to get rid of the splash screen in 2019.4 version of unity. They already said that this was broken. I never had problem like this but maybe it helps if you start the game in windowed mode ?

(1 edit)

Yeah. In the end I did that, which sadly resulted in an even smaller resolution of 1680x1050. :(

The Gamedata-Loadingscreen is fun though...


Well.. i like Chibis xD

Just played the game and honestly think its amazing. I really hope it gets updated more!

It keeps crashing and saying ''Milky-Ways is not responding'' what do I do? :(

Im on Windows 10

Hello there , Please make sure that you really have enough Ram at your disposal. 8GB should be enough.
Furthermore , during the loading screen you should not touch anything or attempt to load it into the background minimalized since Unity 3D really dislikes this >_<
Just let the loading screen do its thing for  and if the game did rellay not load after 5 minutes you can have a look into the log file.
The log file is located under
C:\Users\[YOUR USRNAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Kernis not existing company\Milky Ways -> outputlog
In this output log you can see why it crashed.

it keeps crashing I dont know what to do

Hello there , Please make sure that you really have enough Ram at your disposal. 8GB should be enough.
Furthermore , during the loading screen you should not touch anything or attempt to load it into the background minimalized since Unity 3D really dislikes this >_<

Just let the loading screen do its thing for  and if the game did rellay not load after 5 minutes you can have a look into the log file.

The log file is located under
C:\Users\[YOUR USRNAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Kernis not existing company\Milky Ways -> outputlog

In this output log you can see why it crashed.

love your work